
Showing posts from June, 2021

Types of Arches Types of Lintels Materials Used for Arches

What is Lintel? It is defined as a horizontal structural member which is placed across the opening. Hence the structure remains in the position by the resistance from the support. What is Arch? An Arch may be defined as a mechanical arrangement of wedge-shaped blocks of stones or bricks mutually supporting each other and support at the end by piers or abutments. Types of Arches: 1. One-Centred Arches:    They are the following Types:    Semi-circular Arch    Segmental Arch(Which is less than a semi-circle)    Horseshoe Arch (Which is more than a semi-circle     Stilted Arch    Bull's eye arch (which is a complete circular arch used for the circular window to produce the        architectural effect. Two-centred Arches:    These arches are of several types but the popular ones as follows:    Blunt or Drop Arch    Gothic or Equilateral arch or pointed arch    Acute or Lancet Arch Three centred Arches:   These arches having three centres are mainly of two types   Elliptical Arch   Four

Methods of Water Conservation | Water Saving Techniques | Greywater Recycling System | Water Consumption

Water is one of the most fundamental resources on this planet. It plays a crucial role in sustaining the environment, production of food resources and maintaining human health with the ever-growing population, we constantly evoke how critical and limited water resources are. Most countries in the world are on the brink of running out of water.  There has already been an implementation towards creating innovative ways to preserve water. Here are a few methods that can reduce the usage of water inside buildings. Greywater Recycling System: The water used in most building structures is off in terms of clear clean water is coming, and sewage or black water going out. However, Greywater is something that is in between that. Efficient Irrigation Technology: Beautiful lawns and gardens demand a significant amount of water for their maintenance. In addition to indoor fixtures, efficient outdoor irrigation technologies like smart irrigation controllers can help to save a lot of water. Water me

Earthquake Proof Buildings | Earthquake Resistant Buildings | Earthquake Resistant Structures

1.   An Appropriate Foundation: Creating a Flexible foundation for a building could help it stay standing during an earthquake. One opinion is to build the structure on top of pads that separate the building from the ground. Then, the pads move, but the building stays still. Another similar possibility described in the 2019 research paper, is to place a solid foundation slab made of reinforced concrete and crisscrossing strips atop an intermediate cushion of sand.          This Approach also included a trench around the foundation for further protection. Since this foundation design kept the building's base away from the soil, it was more resistant to seismic forces. 2. Seismic Dampers: Earthquake-resistant buildings also need features to help absorb shocks. People more commonly refer to them as seismic dampers. Enginers worked with NASA to develop damper systems for swing arms on its rockets in the 1960s. It chooses a gas-driven shock isolation system first, then eventually prog

Urban Rainwater Harvesting | Rainwater Harvesting | Rainwater Harvesting Methods

What is Rainwater Harvesting: It is a technique or strategy for the collection of rainwater and storing it in the right way for future use. The water can be collected from various surfaces and platforms and stored for later use. In most cases, the water is collected from rooftops and other hand surfaces. Rainwater harvesting is considered a very reliable way to conserve water. Shockingly India uses only 10-20% of its annual rainfall. When rainfall occurs, only a little of this water infiltrates and touches the groundwater aquifers. It is suggested that the majority part of the rain all goes to the drain and fall into the ocean. Also, lack of adequate storage facilities demands water is to flow down to the sea to prevent folding and breaching. Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting : Easy to maintain Reducing water bills suitable for irrigation Reduce demand on Ground Water Disadvantages of Rainwater Harvesting: Erratic Rainfall Not Suitable for All Areas  High Investment High Maintenance S

Marble Flooring Pros and Cons | Marble Flooring Advantages and Disadvantages

Marble has been a popular building material. Marble has its elegance and classic style. While it may have been the material of choice for kings and queens. Marble is the embodiment of luxury. Marble floor is one of the popular floor materials, However, it's surprisingly, it is one of the most affordable materials for decoration and living space. Before you choose a marble finish at home, let us consider all the advantages and disadvantages of marble tiles. Advantages of Marble Flooring : Marble has many colours, patterns and designs choose from, so you can choose from many designs. High surface finish, bright lustre after polishing.   Because the marble is a translucent material when exposed to the sun the marble floor will grow and increase the radiation of the room. It is an environmental Protection Material Disadvantages of Marble Flooring : Marble is a natural component, so each piece is unique and different from the other. The marble floor is very cool in winter. The marble f

Different Types of Windows in Buildings | Types of Windows | Metal Windows

There is always more to windows than to improve the usability and efficiency of your home. installing windows is the perfect way to increase your curb appeal. There are many types of windows that you use in the construction of your house. The main purpose of windows is to allow natural light into your rooms during the day and also let in air Types of Windows used in Buildings to keep the room fresh.  Types of Windows Used in Buildings: There are so many types of windows available based on their positions, materials, and functioning. Windows are classified as follows. Fixed Windows Sliding Windows Pivoted Windows Double-hung Windows Louvred Windows Casement Windows Metal Windows Corner Windows Fixed Windows are fixed to the wall without any closing are opening operation. In General, they are provided to transmit the light into the room. The fully glazed shutter attached to the window frame. The shutters provided are generally weatherproof. Sliding Windows: In this case window shutter

Tips for Exterior Painting of your House | Best Exterior Paint Colours | Exterior House Paint Colours

Decide on the paint Colour plan for your exterior . You may pick a predominant colour and various trim colours, depending upon the detail and materials utilized on the outside of your home. Audit our colour diagrams at your neighbourhood paint or tool shop, or look at our colour motivation segment. Make sure to consider the colours you've chosen for entryways, belts, roof and drains when settling on your decision.  Our paint mini-computer (Calculator) will assist you with deciding the amount of paint needed for the space you will paint.  Briefly eliminate pot plants, garden hoses & some other things in closeness to outside dividers to be painted.  Get ready exterior dividers for painting to accomplish the best completion. Watch the how to get ready exterior dividers for painting video for tips.  Guarantee plants and the ground close to the dividers are covered with plastic or material drop fabrics, to not reason harm.  Apply painter's veiling tape to fittings that can'