Marble Flooring Pros and Cons | Marble Flooring Advantages and Disadvantages

Marble has been a popular building material. Marble has its elegance and classic style. While it may have been the material of choice for kings and queens. Marble is the embodiment of luxury. Marble floor is one of the popular floor materials, However, it's surprisingly, it is one of the most affordable materials for decoration and living space. Before you choose a marble finish at home, let us consider all the advantages and disadvantages of marble tiles.

Advantages of Marble Flooring:

  1. Marble has many colours, patterns and designs choose from, so you can choose from many designs.
  2. High surface finish, bright lustre after polishing.  
  3. Because the marble is a translucent material when exposed to the sun the marble floor will grow and increase the radiation of the room.
  4. It is an environmental Protection Material

Disadvantages of Marble Flooring:

  1. Marble is a natural component, so each piece is unique and different from the other.
  2. The marble floor is very cool in winter.
  3. The marble floor is most expensive compared with other floor materials. 
  4. Marble is a natural material easy to react with acid. Their interaction causes stains on their surfaces.


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