Earthquake Proof Buildings | Earthquake Resistant Buildings | Earthquake Resistant Structures

1.  An Appropriate Foundation: Creating a Flexible foundation for a building could help it stay standing during an earthquake. One opinion is to build the structure on top of pads that separate the building from the ground. Then, the pads move, but the building stays still. Another similar possibility described in the 2019 research paper, is to place a solid foundation slab made of reinforced concrete and crisscrossing strips atop an intermediate cushion of sand.

         This Approach also included a trench around the foundation for further protection. Since this foundation design kept the building's base away from the soil, it was more resistant to seismic forces.

2. Seismic Dampers: Earthquake-resistant buildings also need features to help absorb shocks. People more commonly refer to them as seismic dampers. Enginers worked with NASA to develop damper systems for swing arms on its rockets in the 1960s. It chooses a gas-driven shock isolation system first, then eventually progressed to a fluidics based system that's still used today during space station launches and for earthquake-proof buildings.

3. A Damage Mechanism: 

Polled water can create structural complications. That's why parking garages often have double tee-load bearing structures with a twist that lowers one corner- a feature called wrapping.

Structural Reinforcement: Enginers and designers have various methods for strengthing a building's structure against potential earthquakes. Many of those redirect seismic forces for example shear walls and braced frames transfer lateral forces from the floors and roof to the foundation.

4. Material with Adequate Ductility:

Ductility describes how well a material can tolerate plastic deformation it fails. Thus materials with high ductility can absorb large amounts of energy without breaking. Structural steel is one of the most ductile materials, while brick and concrete are low ductility materials.

5. Thoughtful decisions can save lives:

Tens of thousands of earthquakes happen globally every year. Even though some cause minor or no damage others lead to collapsed buildings, loss of life and tremendous disruptions to local economies.

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