Urban Rainwater Harvesting | Rainwater Harvesting | Rainwater Harvesting Methods

What is Rainwater Harvesting:

It is a technique or strategy for the collection of rainwater and storing it in the right way for future use. The water can be collected from various surfaces and platforms and stored for later use. In most cases, the water is collected from rooftops and other hand surfaces. Rainwater harvesting is considered a very reliable way to conserve water.

Shockingly India uses only 10-20% of its annual rainfall. When rainfall occurs, only a little of this water infiltrates and touches the groundwater aquifers. It is suggested that the majority part of the rain all goes to the drain and fall into the ocean. Also, lack of adequate storage facilities demands water is to flow down to the sea to prevent folding and breaching.

Advantages of Rainwater Harvesting:

  1. Easy to maintain
  2. Reducing water bills
  3. suitable for irrigation
  4. Reduce demand on Ground Water

Disadvantages of Rainwater Harvesting:

  1. Erratic Rainfall
  2. Not Suitable for All Areas 
  3. High Investment
  4. High Maintenance
  5. Storage Limits

Basic Design Principles:

1. Rainfall 

2. A catchment region or rooftop surface to gather water.

3. Delivery systems(gutters) transport the water from the roof or collection to the storage reservoir. 

4. A Storage repository or to store the water until it is utilized.

5. An extraction device (depending on the location of the tank- may be a tap, rope and bucket or a              pump   or an infiltration device in the case the gathered water is used for well or groundwater                recharge 

For more information visit now: https://www.buildersmart.in/blogs/Rainwater-harvesting/


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