Storage of Cement Bags on Site


Storing of Cement on Site - Guidelines

  1. Store Cement in a dry building, leak-proof and as moisture is proof is possible.
  2. There should be a base number of windows in the capacity building.
  3. Stack the Cement bags off the floor on wooden planks in such a way, so that it is about 150 mm to 200mm above the floor.
  4. The floor might involve lean concrete or two layers of dry blocks laid on all around combined earth.
  5. Keep a space of 600mm overall round between the outside walls and the stacks.
  6. Stack the cement bags close to each other to reduce circualtion of air.
  7. The Height of stack should be more than four bags lenght of 3 metres.
  8. In stacks in excess of 8 sacks high , the concrete packs ought to be organized on the other hand length-wise, and across, in order to integrate the stacks and limit the risk of bringing down.
  9. Various sorts of concrete should be stacked and put away independently.


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