Fire Protection Safety Requirements

Fire Protection Safety Requirements:

 Fire Protection has to be restored for protecting the occupants, goods and activities inside a building or a structure and adjacent buildings.

Fire may be caused due to faulty workmanship in electrical wiring, leakages in heating and cooking equipment, flammable liquids, careless throwing of cigarette bits and matches, lighting, Spontaneous, etc.

General Safety Requirements:

Install smoke alarms on every level of yo

ur home, inside bedrooms, and outside sleeping areas.

Test Smoke alarms every month, if they are not working, change the batteries.

Talk with your Family about Fire safety alarm and Fire Safety Tips.

If a Fire Occurs in your home get out and call for help, Never go back inside for anything.

Fire-Extinguishing Arrangements:

Depends on the importance of building, various types of extinguishing arrangements are provided.

Portable Fire Extinguishers, Fire Hydrants, Automatic Fire Sprinkler System, Escape Routes.

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